

  How inadequate can I feel in one day? I am exhausted spiritually, mentally, and physically. I’m an introvert, so it exhaust me to meet new people… how about 60 new people, 50 of them Spanish-speaking, after getting up at 3:30 am and traveling through two airports. Yes God I a me am exhausted and yes I feel weak and inadequate, but there is a reason for me being here, You have a plan that exceeds mine. Help me to find joy in my troubles and to find strength in You through my weaknesses, let Your light shine through me.


The plane rides were long and tiring, but fun. We arrived at the girl’s home today. We pulled up, they opened the gate, and their they were, waiting for us with hugs and fireworks. I loved the welcoming, but it was a little uncomfortable. The girls knew about half the people on our team and their little eyes would search for and hug on them, while the rest stood their awkwardly. Then we received a tour of their home, while the returners played with the children.

At first arrival, I was a little overwhelmed by everything. The greeting, tour, etc. but towards the end I really started enjoying myself. At the end of the tour we were able to see the clinic they have outside the girls’ home. It was neat to see the medical missions. Kay and Jim work at the clinic. They have a neat story about how they came to Prince of Peace. They were in Antigua studying Spanish when someone told them about the girls’ home. A little before that Prince of Peace had just built and dedicated the clinic, but didn’t have a doctor. Then Jim and Kay came asking if they could help with medical stuff. Such a cool story of God’s provision. The rest of the day consisted of eating, playing GNIP GNOP (ultimate ping-pong), and sleeping. Thank you God for sleep.

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