Naked Soul

I have a brand new Moleskin notebook. I am hoping this notebook will encourage me to journal and write. I am an introvert and sometimes I have trouble expressing myself and emotions. I will confess that I have always wanted to be creative. I think of myself of a fairly creative person, but I am not artistic. My sister received this gene. She is one of the best visual artists I know. I don’t like to draw or paint, I loathe (most) crafts (but love the look of them), I can’t dance or act (unless you count my crazy dance moves), and I don’t count music. I feel music speaks to my soul and speaks what I’m trying to express. However, it is not me personally expressing my life. This is where I finally landed on writing.
I recently watched Little Women (twice in the past two weeks) and am rereading the book. I love how it shows each of the women expressing their emotions and creativity in different ways. Meg is the fashionable one, Beth the musical one, Amy the visual artist, and Jo the writer. Jo stood out to me as the one who was a bookworm. She loved books and was absorbed into the plot, the setting, and the characters. I can relate. I love to read books. I love how I learn, how I can be absorbed into a story. I love when people pour their hearts and souls out into those pages. I digress. I decided since we had this common hobby that I should try writing.
I have decided to pour my heart and soul into my journal. I don’t want to hide, but show my naked soul with all its imperfections, quirks, and messiness. I’m ready to start this journey. To allow my heart, mind, body, and soul to leap off the page. It’s easy for me to skim over the imperfections and ugliness, but this is where I see the Beauty. It’s hard to write when you know the truth will come. Sometimes the truth is hard and not pretty, but the Truth will set us free. It’s when I show the ugliness and imperfections of life are when I see the Beauty of Christ. This is where I see the grace that Christ lavishes every day surrounding me like the cold, wet snow on a wintery night. It might sting and my comfort will be threatened. But, oh, the beauty that surrounds me on those snowy nights is something worth keeping my eyes on.
So here I go on the Naked Soul journey. I pray that I humbly write honestly to glorify Christ. I pray for a spirit of humility and learning through this journey.

*I have decided to start writing more consistently in my journal. I am going to put some of the entries in blog to keep me accountable.

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