

  I have not been relying on God put plain and simple. This whole trip has been about me, what I have been going through, what I look like, etc. Why has this trip been so difficult and uncomfortable, because that is life, true, but it’s different. It’s because every thought, worry, motive, etc. has been about moi. I have been concerned about how I can heighten myself and look better. I have not been concentrated on God’s glory. My motives have been selfish and self-serving. When things in life aren’t about you, life gets better. I have given the glory and my life back to God for Him.

This is not something I did intentionally or know consciously that I was doing. I had to rely on God. I was leaning a lot on myself and efforts. Thinking about how God could use me on this trip. “God I am bad at meeting new people, have never taken Spanish, no special talents for the projects we are doing. What I am doing here?!”  God whispered “this is not about you, get over yourself and your efforts. This about Me and My glory. I will take care of everything, give everything you have to Me. I’ll always be by your side.” Thank you God for this day of trials and of joy.


Today we went to a huge church in Guatemala. It was crazy, I would compare it to Southeast in Louisville. They gave us headsets that translated into English. Their worship was so beautiful and real, all they wanted was to praise and worship Him. The church was centered on the gospel. It was encouraging to see a church that was so about the gospel. I loved seeing the different ways they worshiped and prayed, God is everywhere and it is so evident at this church. We also were able to see some of the girls get baptized, it was beautiful.

Today was the first day that I felt I was able to really hang out the girls. We rode to church with them in a van with the girls. Then when we got back to the home, we had lunch with the girls. It wasn’t the easiest trying to build relationships with these girls, but God is sovereign and will help me through my weaknesses.

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