Thank You

  I have had many people ask me or my family “what exactly is she doing in Guatemala?” Well, as I said some of the things in my previous post. We painted, constructed, worked with a Mayan clinic, brought food to widows, etc. These are some of the things we did to serve them, which is important. But the main thing we did was love on these girls. These girls come from rough backgrounds they have been abused, abandon, etc. There are some that have parents, but the parents couldn’t afford them for whatever reason or they just don’t want them anymore or some have tried to sell their children for money. Some have been abandoned. Some have no parents and were left on the street to fend for themselves. All have been court-ordered to prince of peace (POP). These girls have two loving “parents” who love God and others. They do a great job. The girls have each other, teachers, house moms, etc. but they don’t have the individual love of a parent.

As I said Paul and Lana do an amazing job with 55 girls, but it is hard to love them all personally and individually like a parent. They don’t have someone to tuck them every night, to sing them to sleep, to help them fight the “monsters” from the bed, etc. That is where the groups come in, we show them our love by serving them and just being with them. Whether that means playing a sport, dancing, or just talking. That is what we came to do, let Christ love shine through us.

Thank you for all you support, financially and with your prayers. You are helping these girls in more ways than you know, I wish you could meet them and fall in love with them like our team did. I encourage you to go to read the bios of the girls. If you are looking for some place to give back financially, POP is a great opportunity. You can support one of the girls, anywhere from $10-$300 a month. Again, thanks for all the support, be encouraged when you see these little girls and the joy they have.

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