

  Today we had an opportunity to go up to the Mayan villages. Dr. Jim, the doctor at the girls home, goes up their once a week to help with a medical clinic. The clinic was started by a husband and wife, they raised all the money themselves (and God, of course) so that the Mayan people up there could have medical care. Later that night we went up on a hill close to the girls home to give food and visit the widows. Each of the older girls is assigned one of seven widows to bring food and build relationships with them.

I saw a lot of poverty. Sometimes you can let the poverty brush right past you, but God didn’t let that happen. I keep thinking about how that could be me or someone I know. I could be the Mayan with 5 children, no husband around, living in the slums. And she could be the one who is living a comfortable life, who comes “to observe” the poverty, but not to get too close. God has not called me to observe only, but to take action. I ask God that You help me to be faithful in whatever action You call me to do. Thank you for humbling me and showing me how blessed I really am.

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