Climb Every Volcano


  Today we hiked the volcano. I love the outdoors, hiking, being outside, etc. Naturally I didn’t think it would be extremely difficult to climb this volcano. Well, I was wrong. It started out on a concrete path and straight up. I was really ready to give up after the first few minutes but God helped me to prevail.

It reminded me of my relationship with Christ. I have all these hills to face in life, upward battles. I strain to walk up them, but through God’s strength I am able to keep climbing. It’s hard because I can’t see what’s next or up ahead. I feel like the hills will never end. I see those in front and back of me. God tells me that the placement is not important, but moving forward is. It doesn’t matter how many hills or what’s up ahead. He tells me to trust in Him. These hills are helping me to grow.

Suddenly, when I feel like my legs will give out, my breath is going faster, and I don’t think I can go on anymore, God brings me to a luscious green valley, with trees all around. One minute I’m trudging up these hills, feeling like I can’t go on and the next I am strolling through a beautiful valley. Beautiful, I see the reason God and it’s not about me. I am small, but you are big and have a plan. Thank you for this beautiful moment with You. There will be more hills and growing to do, but it’s worth it for this beautiful moment with You.

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