Looking Back

It is EKU’s spring break this week and I realized that it has been almost a year since I have written a blog post… I am home this spring break, this is the first spring break in college that I have not gone on a “mission trip.” Freshman- Beach Reach in Panama City, Florida, Sophomore- weekend in Louisville working with Jeff. Street (homeless shelter), Junior- week in Guatemala working with a girls’ home. It is a little weird, but I know it’s where God wants me this spring break. It is nice to hang out with family and friends, relax and have a break.

Originally, it was our plan to go on spring break to Guatemala, but after a lot of prayer we realized that this is not where God wanted us this spring break. It was hard, but God gave us a peace throughout the situation. I miss those girls dearly, but after reminiscing through the past of last year. I am reminded of the humility brought to me by working with these girls and the joy the girls had through their circumstances.

I am about to graduate in May and enter the awkward transition period of my life. I will not be a college student, but still not an adult (suddenly Brittany Spears song “I’m not a girl, not yet a women” is in my head). I have had many plans (graduate school, working, getting an apartment, etc.). I keep praying to God to show me what my future is suppose to look like, what is the future career that is His plan for me. He tells me to live for the present moment,don’t worry about the plans for tomorrow (Matt. 6:34), trust in Me right now, trust in Me to guide your steps, I will be with you through it all. So as I am worrying over this next step in my life, God is telling me to look to the Cross and what He has already done for me. He has given His only Son to take my sins upon Him so that I will have a relationship and eternal life with Him. He will take care of my future. Thank you God for Your grace and mercy in my life!


p.s.- The picture is of me and my family  camping over spring break when we were younger. It always makes me smile.

Thank You

  I have had many people ask me or my family “what exactly is she doing in Guatemala?” Well, as I said some of the things in my previous post. We painted, constructed, worked with a Mayan clinic, brought food to widows, etc. These are some of the things we did to serve them, which is important. But the main thing we did was love on these girls. These girls come from rough backgrounds they have been abused, abandon, etc. There are some that have parents, but the parents couldn’t afford them for whatever reason or they just don’t want them anymore or some have tried to sell their children for money. Some have been abandoned. Some have no parents and were left on the street to fend for themselves. All have been court-ordered to prince of peace (POP). These girls have two loving “parents” who love God and others. They do a great job. The girls have each other, teachers, house moms, etc. but they don’t have the individual love of a parent.

As I said Paul and Lana do an amazing job with 55 girls, but it is hard to love them all personally and individually like a parent. They don’t have someone to tuck them every night, to sing them to sleep, to help them fight the “monsters” from the bed, etc. That is where the groups come in, we show them our love by serving them and just being with them. Whether that means playing a sport, dancing, or just talking. That is what we came to do, let Christ love shine through us.

Thank you for all you support, financially and with your prayers. You are helping these girls in more ways than you know, I wish you could meet them and fall in love with them like our team did. I encourage you to go to http://www.princeofpeacegt.com/ read the bios of the girls. If you are looking for some place to give back financially, POP is a great opportunity. You can support one of the girls, anywhere from $10-$300 a month. Again, thanks for all the support, be encouraged when you see these little girls and the joy they have.

Lessons Learned

 When I came down here, I was thinking that God would reveal what my future would look like. Did it include international missions, going to a foreign country, etc. This did not happen as I thought it would. God didn’t close that door, He just didn’t reveal anything to further open it at this time.

He did renew my compassion for internationals. As I have said I am on the missions team at the BCM. I help with planning mission trips, fund-raising, helping people to be missions-minded, etc. One of my main things I do is outreach, serve, and love on internationals on EKU’s campus. It can be hard at times, but I love it, they are a blessing to work with. As I said before, I loved the trip, but it was a little awkward at first. Not knowing the language, culture, money, etc.

 It made me think about the internationals on EKU’s campus. Yes, it’s uncomfortable for me to go up to people I don’t know, especially when they don’t speak my language and are from a different country. But how do you think they feel, not only do they not know the language and culture, some of them don’t have many who are from their country who they can talk and relate to. I had about 15 other people who spoke my language and all the girls were learning, I was only there a week, they stay anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. God has not called me to live a comfortable life, He has called me to be uncomfortable, leaning on Him, His power and strength. Thank you God for showing me this, use me to serve and love these internationals to show them Your love.



  Tonight was the ending celebration. We celebrated the girls’ birthdays that were in February and March. There was cake, a pinata, candy, pizza, dancing, signing of shirts, etc. It was a bittersweet moment, sweet to be celebrate with them, but bitter because we would be leaving them soon.

One thing that has stuck out to me is the joy these girls have through their circumstances. We came here to serve them, yet they still served us. One of the little girls that I got close to was named Karen. I sat next to her during dinner. We had cake for dessert that night. I stood up to go and get some cake, but Karen wouldn’t let me get up and get my own plate, she went and got it for me. She forgot the fork, so I decided to get up and find a fork. She made me sit back down, so that she could find a fork for me. Then when I tried to clean up my plate, she wouldn’t let me and cleaned it up for me. Karen is 8 years old, yes 8. We can learn so much from children! Then these little girls were taking down the tables, chairs, cleaning, etc. We are called to serve, not to be served.

As I said, there was a pinata at the party. The girls were so excited. We all went outside, as each of the birthday girls took turns hitting the pinata. When all the candy was on the ground all the girls dove for the candy. They are not use to getting candy. They probably only get candy once every two months. Each girl had about a handful of candy, but they still shared with us! God I want this kind of joy and faith. It reminds me of how God calls us to give no matter what, even if you are a “poor” college student (Mark 12: 41-44). He has blessed me, so I should give back with the blessings I have. Think about all that God has blessed you with, thank Him, and give back.

Climb Every Volcano


  Today we hiked the volcano. I love the outdoors, hiking, being outside, etc. Naturally I didn’t think it would be extremely difficult to climb this volcano. Well, I was wrong. It started out on a concrete path and straight up. I was really ready to give up after the first few minutes but God helped me to prevail.

It reminded me of my relationship with Christ. I have all these hills to face in life, upward battles. I strain to walk up them, but through God’s strength I am able to keep climbing. It’s hard because I can’t see what’s next or up ahead. I feel like the hills will never end. I see those in front and back of me. God tells me that the placement is not important, but moving forward is. It doesn’t matter how many hills or what’s up ahead. He tells me to trust in Him. These hills are helping me to grow.

Suddenly, when I feel like my legs will give out, my breath is going faster, and I don’t think I can go on anymore, God brings me to a luscious green valley, with trees all around. One minute I’m trudging up these hills, feeling like I can’t go on and the next I am strolling through a beautiful valley. Beautiful, I see the reason God and it’s not about me. I am small, but you are big and have a plan. Thank you for this beautiful moment with You. There will be more hills and growing to do, but it’s worth it for this beautiful moment with You.



  Today we had an opportunity to go up to the Mayan villages. Dr. Jim, the doctor at the girls home, goes up their once a week to help with a medical clinic. The clinic was started by a husband and wife, they raised all the money themselves (and God, of course) so that the Mayan people up there could have medical care. Later that night we went up on a hill close to the girls home to give food and visit the widows. Each of the older girls is assigned one of seven widows to bring food and build relationships with them.

I saw a lot of poverty. Sometimes you can let the poverty brush right past you, but God didn’t let that happen. I keep thinking about how that could be me or someone I know. I could be the Mayan with 5 children, no husband around, living in the slums. And she could be the one who is living a comfortable life, who comes “to observe” the poverty, but not to get too close. God has not called me to observe only, but to take action. I ask God that You help me to be faithful in whatever action You call me to do. Thank you for humbling me and showing me how blessed I really am.



  Today was our first day of work. This is a little of what our days would look like. Breakfast, work at 8, play with the little ones from 10-10:30, work until lunch, then go back to work until 5, dinner, hang out with the older girls, and then sleep. A few of us worked on painting the girls houses. We did two rooms today, one we painted blue and the other we painted peach. Sometimes this wears me out because of all the going. I have to remind myself that I am working for God, not for men, working hard to bring glory to Him.

For dinner the girls had us over at their casas. This was a turn of events for me. Building relationships with these girls had been tougher than I thought, but God brought me to my knees and revealed things in my life, and motives for things. He brought me down to the point that the only thing left to do was to rely on Him. Well once you bring things into His hands they are put together. Going to this dinner I had no expectations, motives, etc. But God did, it was the first time I started feeling close to these girls. Before dinner we were in their living room dancing, goofing off, and having a good time. I felt that I started connecting with these girls. At dinner, I tried communicating with my limited Spanish and their limited English, but it worked. Praise God for His provision in my life, He knew what He was doing and called me to have faith and trust in Him.

Then we had worship. The girls made up a dance for us and the older girls sang for us, it was so beautiful. One of the girls on our trip is a worship leader for the BCM. She sang a few songs in English. One of my favorites was “Hosanna”, I don’t know how well the girls knew the song, but when it came to the repetition of Hosanna, they all sang out. Fifty Guatemalan girls sing out their hearts to our Savior and Lord, it’s a beautiful site to see. It almost brought me to tears. Then one of the older girls talked about the impact the groups have on their lives, that we spend our spring break to serve and love on them. Thank you God for this wonderful and blessed day.



  I have not been relying on God put plain and simple. This whole trip has been about me, what I have been going through, what I look like, etc. Why has this trip been so difficult and uncomfortable, because that is life, true, but it’s different. It’s because every thought, worry, motive, etc. has been about moi. I have been concerned about how I can heighten myself and look better. I have not been concentrated on God’s glory. My motives have been selfish and self-serving. When things in life aren’t about you, life gets better. I have given the glory and my life back to God for Him.

This is not something I did intentionally or know consciously that I was doing. I had to rely on God. I was leaning a lot on myself and efforts. Thinking about how God could use me on this trip. “God I am bad at meeting new people, have never taken Spanish, no special talents for the projects we are doing. What I am doing here?!”  God whispered “this is not about you, get over yourself and your efforts. This about Me and My glory. I will take care of everything, give everything you have to Me. I’ll always be by your side.” Thank you God for this day of trials and of joy.


Today we went to a huge church in Guatemala. It was crazy, I would compare it to Southeast in Louisville. They gave us headsets that translated into English. Their worship was so beautiful and real, all they wanted was to praise and worship Him. The church was centered on the gospel. It was encouraging to see a church that was so about the gospel. I loved seeing the different ways they worshiped and prayed, God is everywhere and it is so evident at this church. We also were able to see some of the girls get baptized, it was beautiful.

Today was the first day that I felt I was able to really hang out the girls. We rode to church with them in a van with the girls. Then when we got back to the home, we had lunch with the girls. It wasn’t the easiest trying to build relationships with these girls, but God is sovereign and will help me through my weaknesses.

Sites of Guatemala


  God is humbling me and showing me how to rely solely on Him. Yes God I want your will, yes God I want to see Your name lifted high, yes God I am so undeserving of everything, why do I expect more. I have already received more than I deserve. “He must increase, I must decrease.”


We visited the oldest city in Latin America today, Antigua. We hopped on the van and went sight-seeing. We were able to take pictures of the beautiful site, buildings, etc. Then we went to a museum. We took a tour of the history of music and then the history of coffee. I loved it! I took a Latin American history class last year and a lot of the same information came up. Then we learned all about coffee, how it’s made, the cost, etc. The work that goes into making coffee is ridiculous. I am an avid coffee drinker, every morning and sometimes more. I have never really appreciated the work that goes into making coffee. For every 100 lbs of coffee cherries, only makes 15 lbs of coffee. For every dollar paid for coffee, the consuming country receives $0.84 and the producing country receives $0.16. I realize how much I take for granted and am not really thankful for what God has given me.

We brought our lunch and ate it at the museum. Then we went to the market and I learned how to barter. It was so much fun and I got some good deals.

 It’s hard to describe the beauty of this place. The spring weather, greenery everywhere, the view of the mountains at your backdoor. I tried to capture the beauty with my camera, but I didn’t come close to doing it justice.



  How inadequate can I feel in one day? I am exhausted spiritually, mentally, and physically. I’m an introvert, so it exhaust me to meet new people… how about 60 new people, 50 of them Spanish-speaking, after getting up at 3:30 am and traveling through two airports. Yes God I a me am exhausted and yes I feel weak and inadequate, but there is a reason for me being here, You have a plan that exceeds mine. Help me to find joy in my troubles and to find strength in You through my weaknesses, let Your light shine through me.


The plane rides were long and tiring, but fun. We arrived at the girl’s home today. We pulled up, they opened the gate, and their they were, waiting for us with hugs and fireworks. I loved the welcoming, but it was a little uncomfortable. The girls knew about half the people on our team and their little eyes would search for and hug on them, while the rest stood their awkwardly. Then we received a tour of their home, while the returners played with the children.

At first arrival, I was a little overwhelmed by everything. The greeting, tour, etc. but towards the end I really started enjoying myself. At the end of the tour we were able to see the clinic they have outside the girls’ home. It was neat to see the medical missions. Kay and Jim work at the clinic. They have a neat story about how they came to Prince of Peace. They were in Antigua studying Spanish when someone told them about the girls’ home. A little before that Prince of Peace had just built and dedicated the clinic, but didn’t have a doctor. Then Jim and Kay came asking if they could help with medical stuff. Such a cool story of God’s provision. The rest of the day consisted of eating, playing GNIP GNOP (ultimate ping-pong), and sleeping. Thank you God for sleep.